Policy Positions

“A society grows great when people plant trees under whose shade they’ll never sit.”

Preserve our freedoms
American freedom is predicated on the ability of the electorate to choose its leaders. Government transparency and civics education allow for citizens to become informed voters holding their representatives accountable. Fair elections, high public engagement, and peaceful transitions of power build confidence in our democratic institutions. I believe supporting our representative democracy builds the foundation that allows us to have a free society. A fair and just government has a sacred obligation to defend the inherent and inalienable rights of all its people. The rights to free expression, bodily integrity, privacy, and due process are among the most at-risk civil liberties today. I oppose government actions that allow for arbitrary, needless, or broad infringements on liberty, freedom, and privacy.

  • Oppose legislation that would remove reproductive freedoms
  • Support legislation that would improve/expand healthcare choices
  • Legalize recreational marijuana
  • Defend the freedoms of the 1st amendment (speech, press, assembly, petition, religion)
  • Prevent censorship and book banning
  • Expand the right to privacy and ensure that individuals have power over their personal information
  • Block attempts to consolidate executive power and centralize authoritarian control without checks and balances
  • Revert back to having affidavit voters not require conditional ballots that violate ballot secrecy
  • Allow no-excuse absentee ballots so everyone can vote how they choose regardless of age or condition
  • Aim to reduce the effect of political gerrymandering so your vote is more impactful

Protect our environment
Conserving a healthy environment is essential to the continuing prosperity of humanity. Public policy should remove the incentive for entities to pollute by properly distributing the social costs of negative externalities. Our government should limit its dependence on nonrenewable natural resources and support sustainable alternatives. Improving energy efficiency and economic growth aren’t mutually exclusive goals. Administrative barriers that prevent communities from achieving their environmental action plans shall be reassessed and rectified as necessary.

  • Support infrastructure improvements that prepare us for climate change
  • Create incentives for businesses and individuals to invest in building solar arrays
  • Increase the MW cap for net metering and work to decrease the length of the project approval queue
  • Approve alternative sources of renewable energy such as hydropower and wind power
  • Utilize allocated federal funds to achieve more energy efficient structures
  • Expand community power coalitions for inexpensive resilient energy sourcing
  • Penalize with fines the largest polluters
  • Prevent out-of-state trash from being dumped in our landfills and leaching into our waterways
  • Preserve our natural resources and fund our state park system
  • Initiate food composting programs
  • Advocate for stringent water testing and safety standards and fund clean up projects for contaminants like PFAS

Promote public education
Education is the great equalizer of conditions, the foundation of community bonds, and the bedrock of democracy. Our school systems give us the opportunity to train the next generations for success in a fair and equitable way. Passing down our knowledge produces greater societal benefits than it costs and is a positive externality that should be publicly supported. Learning lays the groundwork that allows people to be able to effectively communicate with each other, develop critical thinking, and seek truth and knowledge. I believe a thriving free democratic society cannot last long without a strong basis of education among its citizens.

  • Deliver on the promises of Part II, Article 83 of the New Hampshire State Constitution
  • Reduce or eliminate private school vouchers unless more adequate oversight and restrictions are added
  • Increase state public education funding per pupil to more appropriate levels ruled by the court system
  • Prevent the degradation of public school teacher qualifications and requirements
  • Support public libraries
  • Oppose the restriction of information (e.g. book banning)
  • Promote open-content and free licensing projects that improve the knowledge in the public domain

Provide affordable living
A person without access to clean water, nutritious food, and adequate shelter will be forced to struggle for survival rather than contribute to growing their community. Increased costs of living put a strain on people’s ability to live freely, form social bonds, and start/provide for their families. Without the ability to afford basic human needs, one cannot realistically obtain the fundamentals our government was created to protect: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

  • Oppose broad-based sales and income taxes that place regressive tax burdens on working-class families
  • Fund the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority’s rental assistance and first-time home-buyer programs
  • Encourage municipalities to remove zoning barriers to housing development
  • Incentivize developers to build more housing supply
  • Increase funding for child care providers
  • Enforce anti-trust and consumer protection laws